
Showing posts from May, 2019

Professional Vita



Ethics             Ethics is the norms that individuals in the group are generally expected to follow. (Reynolds 3) Although the norms in a group are, for the most part, universal, ethical behavior can be drastically different when it comes do different nations, organizations, and professions. (Reynolds 5) Code of Ethics Ethical behavior in the work place is key to the long term success of a business or industry and due to the severity of consequences, business globalization, competitiveness, and public sensitivity towards unethical behavior, it remains a fundamental business building block and as a result, virtually all companies in all industries have ethical behavior policies and require compliance by individual employees. ( Alton )           Major companies and corporations in the engineering and construction industry promote safety programs based on the belief that all accidents are preventable. (Frey) These organizations look at safety programs as being part of

Internet of Things

Internet of Things             Everyone is becoming increasingly dependent on technology including cell phones, tablets, desktops, laptops, watches, thermostats, doorbells, security cameras, and any number of other devices able to send and receive data from the internet, collectively these devices comprise the Internet of things (IoT). (Morgan) The expansion of Broadband Internet coupled with more Wi-Fi capable devices has created the “perfect storm” for IoT with some projections estimating that over 26 billion devices will be part of the IoT by 2020. (Morgan) Further the analyst firm Gartner puts the number of devices closer to 100 billion including virtually any device with an “on / off” switch. (Morgan) The Impact of the IoT on Business IT The IoT brings the benefit of having everyone and virtually everything connected through the internet with the daunting task of keeping this massive amount of information, and internet access, safe and secure.   The unprecedented rel


Privacy In the United States, the Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights gives people the right to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizers” unless under “probable cause” where the search or seizer is under Oath or affirmation. (U.S. Const. am. 4) Privacy is a fundamental freedom and right under our constitution and democracy and includes the right to be left alone, as well as the right to privacy in both our communication and the contents of our personal data. (Reynolds 135) Privacy Protection             Information privacy is the combination between having the ability to conversations unmonitored by any person or organizaiton and to limit access to one's personal data. (Reynolds 135) With the ever expanding technology field, some product push the limits of privacy protection and the ethics surrounding protection.  Amazon’s Echo is a smart home device that is used to assist the user in various tasks through

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property             Intellectual property (IP) consists of art, books, films, formulas, inventions, music, and processes that are distinct and owned or created by a single person or group, and can be protected through copyright, patent, and trade secret laws. (Reynolds 220) The protection of the ownership of a corporation’s intellectual property is one of the fundamental responsibilities of the corporation’s legal team.   Intellectual Property Right             When a client purchases services from an engineering, technology, or construction company, it usually requires an agreement (or specific clause in a general agreement) between the client and the company to address the use of the IP from both the company and client. (Frey and Frazier) The client’s IP usually includes the definition, location, capacity, and type of facility being requested, which can be highly confidential. (Frey and Frazier) The company’s IP usually includes the company’s proprietary

Regulations and Freedom

Freedom             The definition of Freedom in the broadest sense is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and the absence of a despotic government. (Frank)   The Freedoms afforded each American under the Constitution can be found in the first ten amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights, and includes among other freedoms, the right to exercise freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, petition, to bear arms, and the right to equal justice under the law. (Frank)       Freedom vs. Regulations               Innovation pushes against the need for regulation causing companies and government bodies to act accordingly. These regulations become limits on freedoms. It is this battle that defines the line between freedom and regulations.   Only speculations can attempt to define the line when it comes to innovative topics like the potential effects artificial intelligence has on society. ( Downes ) Government powers r