

            Ethics is the norms that individuals in the group are generally expected to follow. (Reynolds 3) Although the norms in a group are, for the most part, universal, ethical behavior can be drastically different when it comes do different nations, organizations, and professions. (Reynolds 5)

Code of Ethics

Ethical behavior in the work place is key to the long term success of a business or industry and due to the severity of consequences, business globalization, competitiveness, and public sensitivity towards unethical behavior, it remains a fundamental business building block and as a result, virtually all companies in all industries have ethical behavior policies and require compliance by individual employees. (Alton)    
Major companies and corporations in the engineering and construction industry promote safety programs based on the belief that all accidents are preventable. (Frey) These organizations look at safety programs as being part of a “corporate behavioral culture” developed at all levels of the organization and not just a set of rules to follow during the execution of the work. (Frey) The programs request that employees comply with these policies both at the office and while at home, and every corporate meeting starts with a “safety moment” based on the real-life safety related experience, at home or at work, of the individual assigned to present the safety moment. (Frey) This approach promotes employee involvement and the discussion of real-life examples of safe behavior.  The benefit to a corporation to approach an ethics program on par and with the same fundamental premise that all unethical behavior is preventable and unacceptable would yield enormously favorable results.  The challenge is to balance the ethics program with the fiercely competitive nature of corporate America, that often walks the “knife edge” between ethical behavior and corporate profits. (Frey)   

Ethics in IT Business
The impact of unethical behavior can clearly be seen in the rise and global reach of social media and instant messaging.  As a professional athlete I was required to follow a set of rules intended to protect the St Louis Cardinal organization.  The rules included not wearing any St. Louis Cardinal attire during personal time and outside of a Cardinal sanctioned event. While this appears to be counter to promoting the team brand and fan base, it was developed to protect both the organization and the athlete from unintended consequences, law suits, and unfavorable publicity (Reynolds 11).  When athletes or other media figures encounter the public, inevitably personal media devices (cameras, iPads, and particularly cell phones) are everywhere and expected.  A picture as simple as an alcoholic beverage or receiving a friendly show of affection from a fan or friend can go viral and send a damaging message about the organization or the athlete.  Rather than leaving things to the judgement of the athlete, even while acting within a utilitarian, fairness, or common good frame of reference, the Cardinal organization elected to develop a corporate policy and then hold employees accountable (Reynolds 23). 

Works Cited
Reynolds, George Walter. Ethics in Information Technology. 5th ed., Cengage, 2019.
Alton, Larry. “How Much Do A Company's Ethics Matter In The Modern Professional Climate?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 12 Sept. 2017,
Frey, Eric. Personal Interview. 4/10/2019


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